Detailed instructions to create an activity and related communication

These instructions are for you as a user of the Pindena registration system when you create an activity. They provide a step-by-step process explaining where on the webpage you complete each step. If you would like more information, please check out our FAQ page, YouTube videos or contact us.

1.    Enter the title of the activity, choose the language and click on + New activity

2.    Basic setup. Choose several settings:

a.    Activity name / Set up / Basic. Edit the title or change the link to the registration form if desired. If there is a maximum number of participants, enter this number. This can be changed at any time. Enter zero (0) if there is no maximum. There are three checkboxes you can choose to check off or not.  Show event: checking this box makes the activity visible. Show event after end time: checking this box makes the activity visible after it is completed.

b.    Date. Under Duration enter the start and end dates for the activity. Under Deadline enter the last date for registration, of course before the start date of the activity.

c.     Place. Enter details on the location and address of where the activity is to be held.

3.    Activity name / Registration form. Choose Registration form from the menu bar under the activity name, then fill out all the information to appear on the form.

a.    Activity name / Registration form / Registration form. It is important to check off Show page, otherwise there is no form displayed. Clicking on Select media under Registration image allows you to upload a picture that will appear on the registration page above the actual form. In the Description field you can enter text, images, tables, etc. These will appear above the actual registration form. You can also change the text on the register buttons.

b.    Settings. This section contains four checkboxes. Show event time, Show status (of participants), Show location and Show registration form. We recommend that all four are checked off.

c.     Fields in registration form. This is the registration form itself.

a.    There are five columns: field label, field type, whether the field is required, whether the field should be shown or hidden and a plus sign for additional options.

b.    There are several fields that are marked as reserved and they are commonly used. It is recommended not to change the names of these fields.

c.     You can of course add additional fields under the reserved fields. They are marked as Extra field 1, 2, etc. To change the field type of these extra fields, click on the down arrow in the type column to get a drop down menu of possible field types. The choices are text, text area (box), radio button, select box (drop down menu), checkbox, date field and heading. More information on these field types can be found in the category: English.

d.    Click on Add an extra field to add more fields. Remember to click on Save before clicking on View.

e.    Clicking on the plus sign to the right of each field row provides the following options.

a.    First, there are three fields: values, help text and default value. Second, if you want to offer answer values in a drop down menu e.g. yes, no, maybe, enter these in the Values field, separated by a comma. Help text is an optional explanation of how the field should be filled in. Default value is used to pre-fill the field.

b.    There are also three radio buttons: Non-editable, Use field for extra participants and Copy data to extra participants. Non-editable means the participant cannot change the value in the field. Use field for extra participants allows the registrant to register one extra participant. Every field where this is checked off will then also be shown on the form for the extra participant. Copy data to extra participants means that the registrant can fill in or select a reply and that will be the same for the extra participant.

4.    Activity name / Participants / Participants. Information about the participants who registered for your activity is displayed. If there are participants, you will see a pie chart and an overview. The pie chart shows the participants' statuses. Possible statuses are: imported, invited, reserved, registered, waiting list, confirmed, declined, deregistered (cancelled), expired and registrar. Under the pie chart you can filter the participants based on their status, or, by clicking on More filters, based on additional options. At the bottom of the webpage, clicking on Export to Excel copies the participants you have filtered into an Excel spreadsheet file.

5.    Activity name / Participants/ Register. Manually enter a participant.

a.    Register. Fill in the information that the participant would otherwise have filled in.

b.    Status. After the activity is complete, check off if the participant has attended or passed (e.g. a course.) The alternatives in the Paid field can be used in a higher level license, but in the Basic level license you can still change these values yourself, for example when you receive payment or have invoiced the participant. Status must be changed manually when you register on this webpage. New is the default value but should be changed to Registered. An internal comment can also be entered, visible only to administrators of the system.

6.    Communication / E-mail. Send out e-mails to participants based on their registration status.

a.    E-mail. Choose whether your e-mail will be sent now or later. Choosing Later brings up a calendar with dates and times.

b.    Recipients. Filter the recipients of the e-mail by registration status. For example, send to all, only those with status invited, etc.

c.     E-mail content. Fill in the subject and content of the e-mail in the same way as a regular e-mail. If desired, check off Include link to event. Use the Link text field for the text to appear on the link e.g. "Link to activity". Read more about the activity here" etc. Click on Send to send the e-mail, either now or later, based on the option you chose above.

7.    Communication / SMS (text) message. Sending a text message is almost the same as sending an e-mail as described above.

a.    SMS (text message). Choose whether your text message will be sent now or later. The Sender field shows who the recipients will see as sender (e.g. Hydro) when they receive a text message from the system.

b.    Recipients. Filter the recipients of the text message by registration status.

c.     Content. Enter the text message, maximum 160 characters. If desired, check off Include link to event and the recipients can access the registration form directly from the text message.

8.    Communication / Outbox. These are the messages waiting to be sent from the system.

9.    Communication / Sent. These are the messages that have been sent from the system.

This concludes the detailed instructions on how to create an activity, create a registration form, get an overview of the participants, and communicate with them.

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