How to use the Program page

  • Under the standard Title, Tab Title and Description fields for the entire program, there is a section for all the items or lines in the program. Each Program line consists of three fields: Time, Program (line name) and, by clicking the + plus sign, a large description field. Clicking on Select media allows you to upload a picture that will appear beside the selected Time and Program (line name) fields.
  • After you have added two or more lines by clicking on the + New program line button, you can drag and drop program lines to change the order. New program lines are always added at the bottom.
  • There are several formatting functions available in the description field, including increasing the indent of the text by clicking on the right arrow icon. 
  • In addition to the titles in the Program field in each program line, you can also add subtitles in the description field: 

1.  Open the description field by clicking on the + plus button. 

2.  If you want one of the program lines to be a heading add a new program line, leave Time and Program blank, then enter the title in the description field. 

3.  Use the dropdown menus and editing icons to format this text. For example, choosing Formats / Headings / Heading 4 from the dropdown menu in the description field will give the title the same format as the title in the Program field.

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