Checklist for finalizing an activity and sending out invitations

Quality control the activity:

  • Is the date of the activity correct?
  • Is the registration deadline for the activity correct?
  • Is the correct location and address entered?
  • If there are products requiring payment, have you chosen the correct payment method? Have you requested Pindena to change the mode from TEST to LIVE? (This is only after you have tested, and then Pindena can change to Live mode.)  Check also that the products to be used are correct.
  • Have you set up your registration form correctly? Note: Remember not to use reserved fields for anything other than what is listed!
  • Should it be possible to register extra participants? If so, remember to check off Use field for extra participants for each of the relevant fields.

Test the activity:

  • When you feel the activity is ready, try it out by registering yourself! Follow the whole process, including sending yourself an invitation.
  • After registering, set your own status to "Expired". Note: All participants who are registered for the activity, even those who are deleted, will be retained under the activity. After you have completed testing the activity using yourself as a test participant, we recommend that you copy the activity data to a new activity so there is no record of any test participants. Note! If you tested the payment process while the activity was in Test mode, you must credit the test participants.

Invitation text:

  • You can change the text that will appear in the invitation e-mail under Set up / E-mail setup. Using the field codes in the section called Available codes, add more text about the activity, a greeting and whatever else you wish. You can also change the Confirmation (participant) and Registrar confirmation e-mails on the Set up / E-mail setup webpage.

         We do not recommend inserting images in an e-mail.

Importing participants:

         You can import participants using an Excel file. Note: Row 1 in the Excel file must contain the names of each field. Only the first four columns are mandatory (which are usually first name, last name, e-mail and mobile phone number, but the field names must be spelled exactly and have the same case (small or capital letters) as they appear on the webpage at Activity name / Participants / Import.

         When importing, in the field Apply this status to imported persons, we recommend choosing Imported (Do not overwrite existing). After everyone is imported, they can be invited. Do this via Communication / Invitation. Note: There is a major difference between sending via the E-mail and Invitation menu items. Sending an email via the Invitation webpage results in the status of the participants being updated to Invited, and they have the option to choose between accept or decline. Note: the content of the SMS invitation is not editable. 

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