How to store an activity on smart phone as an app?

It is possible for all participants, and those responsible, to store either a specific activity, entire page or similar - as an app on a smart phone or other device.

For Android:

  1. Open link you received in your mobile browser, which is usually Chrome.
  2. In Chrome, a button or link appears at bottom of screen to help you add activity to your home screen.
  3. The activity sits there as an app on your home screen.

For iOS:

  1. Open link you received in your mobile browser, usually Safari. 
  2. Click on icon that appears at bottom of screen, small box with an up arrow. 
  3. Select Add to Home Screen. The version of IOS determines the location of the button. Scroll either down or across the list.
  4. You may enter a different name than the default name for the app. Click on Add.
  5. The shortcut is created as an app on the home screen on your smart phone.
  6. To refresh the page to the latest version, you probably need to swipe up to close the app page on your screen and then reopen the app.

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